Are you living your mission by sharing what you love while getting handsomely compensated by doing it? I am. You? This week’s topic is about finding your purpose and earning money through your love of what you do. Today, I’m super excited to share the seven secrets I have discovered to uncover your passion and be paid to pursue your interests.
You may have been familiar with the phrase. “Do your life’s work, and the money will come.” or “Do what makes you happy” You’ve probably heard it time and again, but you’re uncertain about exactly how your life’s purpose will fit in your work or even how you can earn money for your passion.
Let me give you my thoughts on “WHAT you need to know in order to find your passion and be paid to pursue your dream. What is the reason you should be paid to live the life you’re meant to have, along with the most significant factor that is stopping you from doing it is. If you’ve thought about the reason you’re not making more money from your business, and you’ve suspected that you’re not doing what you’re meant to perform, you’re getting a reward. I promise!
I believe that getting focused on your goal and your passion will change everything in your work and your life. Everyone has something unique which helps you stand out from the crowd. Therefore “Do what makes you happy.”
Let’s sketch the grand image together for a second. Imagine a mountain. We’ll label it” a Magic Mountain, with a CASTLE at the top. You are in the middle of your “soul searching” journey. There are numerous life experiences, learning experiences. You’re at the bottom and are in your comfort zone. The next level can be described as”confusion” zone “confusion” zone and then the next step is”clarity. “clarity.” The most important thing to remember is that you won’t be able to fulfill your mission if you don’t take the time to learn from your mistakes.
Now, your business is an expression of your mission. In order to be paid to pursue your dream, you should have a business that reflects your mission and is that particular.
Keep in mind that it’s the internal work that generates the external feeling, not the reverse way around. If there’s a conflict on the outside, it is a battle within. We are either moving upwards or downwards. It’s crucial to look back at your current situation and think, “Why am I doing these things? What am I hoping to gain? How do I bring a spiritual piece, meaning the mindset, heart-set, soul-set, and Universal principles, into my own business?” Let’s look into the depths a bit more.
7 Simple Secrets to Discover Your Purpose and Get Paid For Your Passion
1. Make a list of what you don’t wish to
It is essential to have a clear sense of Intention in order to be successful because when you have it, then the Universe collaborates with you to bring it about. The best method to determine what you’re looking for is to identify the things you don’t want to do first. The biggest problem is that the majority of people aren’t: 1. Believe in themselves 2. Know what they want, and third. The majority of people aren’t sufficiently clear in ASKING. Therefore, decide what you don’t need now.
2. What do you REALLY want?
Consider specific practical considerations. Be clear about “Where do you live? How much do you make? What do you do?” And consider the critical question: “What difference do you make? What is your legacy? What are you remembered for?”
To assist you in your exploration in this area, let’s play “Billionaire Game.’ Imagine your IDEAL life three years from today, in all aspects such as professional, financial, personal, physical, spiritual, emotional, social, family, relationships, contribution, and so on. It’s all there. Create a list of the things you would like to have. Like, for example, what you are most passionate about or want to do ( when you’re a billionaire). What is the thing that makes you most content? If money and time weren’t a factor that mattered to you, what would you like to study or learn about? What is your ideal? What is your ultimate ambition? What do you really want in your life? What is the most important thing for you? What’s your top priority? Make sure you are clear on the above issues. Clarity is essential. In business, clarity equals clients! The most important thing is to align yourself with your purpose and passion.
3. What’s the BIG reason behind the whole thing?
Find out the reasons you’re looking for. “Until thought is linked with purpose, there is no intelligent accomplishment.” – James Allen, As A Man Thinketh.
Be aware of the major WHY that drives it all. Wanting money to make money does not mean the same thing as declaring, “Universe, I know I am here for a HIGHER purpose, and I am overjoyed to accomplish this task, but I need lots of help to make manifest this vision.”
Here’s a tip to assist you. Take note of which area of the bookshop you are drawn to and what books are stored on your shelves. If you want to go even further, ask yourself and answer honestly: “What stirs your soul? What makes your heart beat faster and stronger? What inspires you? What really makes you get out of bed in the morning? What are you most proud of having accomplished at this point in your life?” Above all, you must define the term “success. What is success to you? It’s an aspect of your process. Be attentive to the responses you get and believe in the process. Allow your love for and mission to manifest!
4. What do you love to do? What are your REAL passions?
(Passion 1, 2, 3)
Note: What obstacles could your passion for life help you overcome? What can your passion do to help fulfill the wants and desires of other people? Can this passion lead you to your goals in your life? If yes, what is the best way to go about it?
5. What could you do for free all day and still have a passion for?
This is a hint. How do you generate untold enthusiasm when you are doing it? You’ll want to write about the “Perfect Day” – If you had all the money you could need, Where and how would you be living? If the answer is “I don’t know.” You should take a moment to gather some energy and get some fresh ideas. Find out: Who is your inspiration, and what motivates them? Who is your role model, and why? Which historical figure do you most admire, and why? How can you be better than this individual?
6. What do you wish to leave to others once you’re gone? Give specifics.
What do you wish to achieve for yourself and others in your life? What is the most important thing to you? What do you desire professionally, for your customers, your community, as well as the entire world? What are the reasons you choose to do what you do? What is it that you can offer that is unique or exciting to you? When you’re done with the day, tell us what consider you’d most regret not doing for yourself?
7. What’s your biggest ambition or dream that you’ve abandoned?
Rewind time and consider the goal or aspect of your life that you’ve put off because the ‘time hasn’t come and which portion of yourself is in the waiting room for the perfect partner to come along and the perfect opportunity to ignite it.
Choose a course of action and then declare it. Believe that it’s coming your way. Don’t let obstacles hinder your belief. Simply believe. Be on the lookout for happy coincidences and signs. Be proactive about signals and opportunities. “Whatever you can do or dream, you can begin it! Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” – Goethe.
If you find your passion and then express that purpose by running your own business, you begin earning money for your passion. This helps you stay in the present moment and focus on what you desire. You can become the person you envision yourself to be the best version of yourself. And avoid self-doubt and negative thinking.
When we reach CLARITY, the clarity is fantastic. Our goal is to do the thing that is most natural to us. We are all distinctive and individual. When I realized that, I literally crafted my year-long, real business success plan, which was aligned with my passions and mission. This is the most important thing to the way you conduct business. Today, I’m focused and don’t spend my energy, time, or money on things that don’t provide a specific connection to my mission and sharing my passions with others.
Authentic Business Success In Action
Clear your mind and focus on what you truly desire. “Where attention goes, energy flows.” If you want to take your real business success as an educated, entrepreneurial leader to the next stage, such as I am right now, you realize that you’ll face resistance if you continue to do it the same way you’ve done it. You must walk further toward your goals and passion. When you do, things happen in such a fast and beautiful way that it’s sometimes shocking how quickly things happen.
You can say ‘yes’ to fulfilling your passion and earning money to pursue your dreams. Begin to focus and create your own unique road map to success for your business that you can begin following immediately. But don’t rely on me for it. The only way you’re going to learn about it is to actually experience it. It’s the only method. Feel it. What does it feel like?
One final thought of wisdom: “Creation works with joy, not negativity.” If you hear your own inner critic, then you recognize that it’s not true. This is a problem with your mindset. The challenge of mindset is what distinguishes satisfied business owners from unsuccessful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs, since the ones who are happy and prosperous are willing to put in “the work,” whereas the ineffective and unfulfilled ones are not. That’s where the mind is a factor. The way they describe it is, “When you are interested, you do what’s convenient, but when you’re committed, you do whatever it takes.”
If you’re committed to living your passion by running your business and doing this, you instantly transform into the larger version of yourself. This means you help more people across Earth and are rewarded handsomely for it. If you are doing that, you’re fulfilling your goal and sharing your passion with others in achieving your goals, and affirming your commitment to the chance – all while earning a profit for it. This is the moment that MAGIC occurs. Magic happens when you’re creating a profitable, thriving, and successful business that is at peace and aligned with your passion and purpose.
There is, however, one aspect that can hold you back. This is the biggest obstacle that entrepreneurs have to overcome: F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real). Fear of Success or Failure, fear of doing something wrong now. Now. The most significant thing is that you’ll never do a foolish thing. There is always an alignment. Everything points you towards your destination.
Find your purpose and earn money for your passion because when you realize it, you’ll be able to identify it. You’ll be at peace with all you do, both professional and personal. This is what I refer to as Authentic Entrepreneurial Success and being an enlightened Entrepreneur. That’s why I’ve developed the seven tips I’ve been giving the world to help you discover your purpose and be the money you deserve by your love of what you do.
“God’s gift to you is more talent and ability than you could possibly use in your lifetime. Your gift to God is to develop as much of that talent and ability as you can in this lifetime.” – Steve Bow.
“What your mind can dream up can absolutely become a reality.”
Another aspect. It’s focused on the “HOW,” since we’ve discussed the “WHAT” and “WHY.’ There’s no need to be concerned about the ‘how.’ A majority of people don’t make a choice until they have seen the “how.’ However, the ‘how’ will not come into play until you have made the decision.
“Do not worry about how. It is all taken care of for you as long as you do your part of thinking, acting, speaking, and being in accordance with that dream. Just dream, visualize and then start doing something. Do the next thing that you feel you should do in accordance with that dream, and keep moving. The little that you do triggers something else you had not foreseen, and on and on this goes until it completes.” – David Cameron Gikandi.
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